How to send Heavy files in Gmail attachments ?

Gmail allow users to send doc files with help of attachments while composing gmail , google users can send image, doc, videos , and other kind of files or graphic media as attachments, but there is an limit on the size of attachment for general users 

But what if users if users wants to send heavy files through gmail as attachment.

As google users to send file size of upto 25MB  as attachment at a time in single mail

but if file size is more than 25mb then users can use google drive to tranfer  their file among mail reciepters 

for that Google users can follow these steps to do that

  • Open Gmail
  • Compose mail
  • Click Google Drive
  • Select the files you want to attach
  • At the bottom you have decide  How you wants to send file via google forms, docs, Drive, 
  • Select google drive and let  the file upload to google drive 
  • As file uploading finished to google drive
  • You can sent email with your files google drive link 


you can find extensive support for google account via google customer support service page .